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Interbank Rate: 1 USD = 1 USD


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We are the most trusted name in foreign currency exchange...

in Canada with over 70 media news interviews including 20 video interviews all by Canadian news outlets

Trusted and Reviewed

“You can save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars”

Terry Ritchie,

Calgary-based financial planner who specializes in cross-border financial issues.

“KnightsbridgeFX is an online currency exchange company that seeks to undercut foreign exchange rates offered by larger financial institutions”

Preet Banerjee,

columnist, for the Globe and Mail

See KnightsbridgeFX in the Media

It's really, really simple to use

Book a transaction

Confirm an exchange rate and receive a trade confirmation receipt confirming all details before you transfer funds.

Transfer Funds

Send funds by online bill payment or bank transfer and converted funds will be sent to your destination same day or next day.

Currency Exchange East York

Currency Exchange East York is guaranteed to provide you with the lowest exchange rates in Canada. All transfers are done through the banks, and can be sent to any bank account in Canada or the US and some banks overseas.

We typically beat the banks by about 2.5% which can equate to hundreds if not thousands of dollars in savings on your foreign exchange transactions. KnightsbridgeFx is registered with FINTRAC, under the MSB registration number M09819788.

Generally, when looking for a foreign exchange provider, it is a good idea to do additional research to get an idea of the services they can offer. A good way to do this is to make a list of questions and simply call in to clarify. There are also usually many reviews or discussions online from people who have used a provider before. If reviews or commentary is generally negative, it is probably not a good idea to use that provider.

Currency Exchange East York vs. Competitors

Currency Exchange East York has a lowest rate guarantee so we are confident we can provide you with the best rates. Beyond that we offer a breadth of services that include account to account transfers, transfers to the states, paying student tuition directly, market orders, and more. In addition our staff our knowledgeable and able to address all questions ranging from current market trends to finding a customized solution for your foreign exchange needs.

Sending Funds with Currency Exchange East York

Sending funds with Currency Exchange East York is fast, reliable, and easy. There are several methods depending on the bank you are with. Transfers can be done within the same day if done by wire or branch transfer. If you prefer to send funds online and not have to go to your branch, we also have online bill payment options and account to account service options where we can direct debit and credit accounts for free.

In addition, our staff will be able to assess your current situation and needs and offer the best option for you if you are unsure which option to choose. You can also be confident in the safety of your funds as they are transferred to a client-segregated trust account at the Bank of Montreal with no funds being held overnight. This means that all funds that arrive in that account are converted immediately and sent back out.


Get better exchange rates than the banks, visit or call (403) 800-3025.


East York

Before East York was combined into the greater Toronto City, it was Canada’s only borough. After World War II, many returning veterans and soldiers settled in the area. In recent years, there have been major high-rise developments in the area with region being known for its middle-class, working-class, and diverse immigrant population. There are also many sports teams in East York including the Bulldogs hockey team which play in the East York Arena.