Our mission?
Helping you save money on currency exchange
Over the past 11 years, we've helped over 130,000 businesses and individuals exchange more than $20 Billion, saving them thousands of dollars in currency exchange fees.
Exchanging currency shouldn't be expensive. Feel the difference in your wallet!
See how it worksOur Canadian offices are ready to assist you.

KnightsbridgeFX has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.
We've made it our mission to give you a smooth transaction and save you money when exchanging currency
How do we do that? We undercut the bank exchange rates.
Most Canadians are unaware they could exchange their currency in a better and smarter way and avoid the banks fees that can include margins of up to 2.5%.
We call the banks every morning to ensure our exchange rates are better.
Are you an individual looking to:
Buy a property in the US
For many international property buyers, foreign exchange rate is an afterthought.
Through working with several international property buyers, we understand how important exchange rates are for saving you money, so we make these savings possible and also offer you a hassle-free process.
Move to another country
Emigrating to another country is a big decision with many complex requirements.
Transferring money is an important consideration which can directly impact the cost of your move. We work with several private clients in order to maximize the proceeds from transferring money internationally, by providing extremely competitive rates and market updates.
Send money to your family
Recurring transfers can easily turn into a lot of recurring expenses on bank fees.
Whatever the reason for your large personal transaction, we can assist you with converting your Canadian dollar into US dollars or vice versa. Plus, we help you get free and quick transfers to any bank in Canada.
Pay for foreign tuition
If you are leaving Canada to study abroad in the USA, you will most likely have to pay international student tuition.
At Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange, we have a dedicated team that focuses on helping students save money on their international tuition. We can directly send tuition payments on your behalf, while providing exchange rates that are significantly better than your bank.
Or maybe a corporation in need of:
Making commercial FX transactions
We deal with companies of all sizes, selling various goods and services across North America, Europe and Australia.
Over the years, our experience of working with numerous companies has taught us how important saving money for your business wherever possible is. That is why at KBFX, we offer all of our commercial clients the most competitive exchange rates.
Making regular international payments
When making regular international money transfers you are heavily impacted by foreign exchange volatility and wire transfer costs.
We can help your business reduce its expenses by providing extremely competitive foreign exchange rates, while also removing your business wire transfer costs.
Paying for their import expenses
As a Canadian importer, foreign exchange management is a daily part of business.
Poor import exchange rates, bank fees and foreign exchange volatility will heavily impact your bottom line. At KnightsbridgeFX we have a dedicated team focused on helping Canadian importers improve their bottom line by offering competitive import exchange rates, with no fees.
Paying for their export expenses
As a business owner, you are well aware that your margins are very important, and must be protected at all times.
If you are receiving funds from a foreign buyer, we can help you monitor the exchange rate in order to protect your profit margin. At KnightsbridgeFX we undercut the bank exchange rates, allowing you to receive the most competitive export rates available.
Welcome to Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange

Saving money is a big concern for all of our clients, both individual and corporate. And we get it, you shouldn’t spend your hard-earned money on bank fees. That is why we guarantee you’ll always have the best currency exchange fees.
As a leading provider of foreign exchange and international payment solutions we are driven every day by a mission to improve the value we provide to you.
Having transacted well over fourteen billion dollars, we have learned that the most important thing for our customers is the safety of their funds. This is why, we invest in the best people and technology to ensure your transfers are completed expeditiously and to your satisfaction.
At the core of our belief is a “win-win” mentality that allows our customers to feel the impact and benefit to their bottom line through working with us. We appreciate your loyalty and will continue to work hard to continuously deliver value to you. That is my promise to you.
Sincerely, Rahim Madhavji
We're glad to have you on our side. Here's what we achieved together in these past 11 years.
- 2009
- 2013 & 2014
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2019
- 2020
We've helped over 130,000 individuals and businesses exchange more than $20 Billion in a smarter way
How is it that we can offer lower exchange rates than Canadian banks?
Due to our large transaction volume, we have negotiated special foreign exchange pricing.
The result? Lower margins for us, which we then partially transfer to our clients.
This translates to more money going straight to your pocket.

You not only get more for your dollars, but your funds are also secure
Client funds are held in a segregated account, separate from company operating accounts. While our primary payment and foreign exchange liquidity relationship is with a major Canadian chartered bank, you can work with us from any Canadian Bank.
All transactions have a confirmation number and can be traced electronically with Canadian banks.
Restassured, your funds are safe - we have set aside $1,000,000 for consumer protection.

Your money,
your choice.
Transfer to and from
any account of your choice.
We can accept funds from clients via wire transfer from any bank and we are also registered for online bill payment with select financial institutions, which allows you to transfer funds to us, free of charge.

And most importantly, we are here for you
When asked what they appreciate more about their collaboration with KnightsbridgeFX, besides the great exchange rates, our clients always mention our support team.
Money is a sensitive matter, and we are aware of that. We want you to feel comfortable every step of the process. Our dedicated support team is ready to answer all of your questions or concerns.
Over 130,000 individuals and businesses have traded more than $20 Billion with us.
A number of our customers are willing to speak with you about our service at any time. Many of these customers are professional doctors, dentists, lawyers, and businesses in Canada that you can contact directly.

KnightsbridgeFx is registered with FINTRAC, under the MSB registration number M09819788
Frequently Asked Questions
1 Tell me about Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange's Best Rate Guarantee.
2 What is the minimum amount I can exchange?
3 Tell me more about the security of funds.
4 Why don’t you show your rates online?
5 Can I pay with physical cash, cheque, or bank draft?
6 How can you get an exchange rate better than what banks offer?
7 Why banks allow you to use them when you are a competitor?
8 How do I register as a Corporation?