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CHICOUTIMI: Currency Exchange (1-877-355-5239)

If you can visualize a vacation creeping up over the horizon, then you should get your currency exchange in Chicoutimi out the way. Planning your dollar conversions ahead of time guarantees some financial peace of mind during your trip. Your bank is certainly an option you can use, but it’s not ideal if you seek the best currency exchange rates in Chicoutimi. Rather than using a major financial institution, you’ll want to look to a smaller specialist provider like Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange where you can get the best USD exchange rates in Chicoutimi and the best foreign money exchange rates in Chicoutimi.

Where to Find Currency Exchange in Chicoutimi

There are a variety of places you can go for your currency exchange in Chicoutimi, but they all tend to belong to one of three different categories: major Canadian banks and credit unions, independent exchange brokers, and currency exchange franchises. Naturally each one comes with positive and negative attributes, and you can explore them to decide which alternative to go with. At the banks you’ll find an easy, secure and fast exchange process, but you’ll lose out on having the best currency exchange rates in Chicoutimi. Whereas with the independent brokers you get better exchange rates but lose out on some of the convenience and security. If you want the best USD exchange rates in Chicoutimi paired with the best foreign money exchange rates in Chicoutimi, then look no further than Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange. KnightsbridgeFX is where you will get the best rates and the ease, security, and speed you desire!


Quebec City Airport Exchange by the Saguenay Region

Québec City Jean Lesage International Airport is the nearest major airport to Chicoutimi, and if you’re heading there for an upcoming trip, your may think to just do your currency exchange there. After all, it’s certainly a convenient idea; you’re headed to the airport regardless. It may work for some, but you won’t get the best currency exchange rates in Chicoutimi and lose out on a ton of savings potential in the process. Because of the rent they have to pay to operate within the airport, airport brokers add a big rate mark-up (similar to ones the banks add) that make them highly unfavourable. Remember that in the foreign exchange industry you’re often paying a premium for convenience, so you’ll need to use less explored alternatives to find the best deals on foreign exchange.


Commercial Currency Exchange Centres in Chicoutimi

Sometimes you’ll find a kiosk laying around for currency exchange in Chicoutimi. These are typically found in convenient locations like shopping malls, tourist locales, and hotels. For all their convenience, they are unlikely to have the best currency exchange rates in Chicoutimi due to their operational expenses. Foreign exchange kiosks pay the same fees to lease space as any other retail storefront business. As you search for the best rates you can find, independent brokers may show up in your recommendations. If that’s the case, then you’ll want to look into things like whether they require identification (an easy government regulation to check on) as research to see if they’re ok to use. Even the best USD exchange rates in Chicoutimi and the best foreign money exchange rates in Chicoutimi aren’t worth risking a scam.


Chicoutimi Money Exchange at the Big Banks

Loyalty leverage provides a lot of power, and many major Canadians banks have strong customer loyalty, as they know that even with incredibly high exchange rates they dominate the market for currency exchange in Chicoutimi. This result means that for anyone who would want to use the bank for their currency exchange, they’d have to sacrifice the possibility of getting the best USD exchange rates in Chicoutimi or the best foreign money exchange rates. KBFX provides the best of both worlds, giving Canadians a way to enjoy a quick and secure exchange that comes with the best currency exchange rates in Chicoutimi.


Specialist Currency Exchange Brokers in Chicoutimi

As they look to cut out their own fraction of the currency exchange market share in Chicoutimi, exchange franchises and brokers frequently offer deals and promotions that you can take advantage. Examples may include bulk discounts on large exchanges, and installed or delayed payment plans. Both of these special “promotions” can help you secure a more favourable exchange. KBFX focuses first on the exchange rates, because we know that the bottom line is most important. At the end of the day, reliable currency exchange is all about saving money. As an online-based exchange provider, we don’t have the vast array of expenses that physical retail providers do, keeping our overhead significantly lower. This allows us to pass our savings to you, through offering the best USD exchange rates and foreign money rates in Chicoutimi.


How Can I Get the Best Exchange Rates in Chicoutimi?

If you want to keep more money in your pocket during currency conversion, choose KnightsbridgeFX instead of the bank and save 1-2% more! By choosing KBFX, you’ll save $2,000 for every $100,000 you exchange, because you enjoy the best currency exchange rates in Chicoutimi. Now, we know some of you may need some more convincing, and the simplest thing we suggest is to get a free quote from us, and then from your bank or another major exchange provider, on any currency of your choice. Comparing the two quotes will show that KBFX has the best USD exchange rates in Chicoutimi and the best foreign money exchange rates in Chicoutimi.

About Chicoutimi

Chicoutimi, Quebec is a borough of Saguenay with a population of about 66,000 people. That number ranks it as the largest Saguenay borough strictly by population. The centre of Chicoutimi was originally founded in 1676 as a trading outpost, before the actual community of Chicoutimi was incorporated in 1845. In the 1900s, Chicoutimi became the primary administrative hub of the Saguenay region, and nowadays it hosts a very large commercial centre.

Historically, Chicoutimi was an area designated as a Franco-colonial trading post for fur skins (circa 1670). The name was given to it by the Innu, an indigenous people, who call Chicoutimi “the end of deep water” given its riverside position. In the late 19th century, the Canadian National Railway was established through Quebec and spurred Chicoutimi’s population growth. Later on in time, Chicoutimi’s economy slowly grew from its paper mill roots to become more closely linked to culture, education, and administrative services.

Providing a steadily and reliable source of currency exchange is valuable to all types of customers, whether you are a weekly, monthly, or vacation-only exchanger. At KBFX we always strive to be the best by letting our low currency exchange prices speak for themselves. Our customers know that no matter how an exchange rate may fluctuate in real time, they’ll always get the best exchange rate possible. On that note, we invite you to call us at 1-877-355-5239 or visit our website for an online formula.

To find other cities serviced by Knightsbridge please visit the Currency Exchange in Canada page.



  • In 1996 there was a flood in Chicoutimi that caused roughly $1.5 billion in damages
  • Mount Valin (roughly 1000 metres tall) in Chicoutimi is the highest peak in the Saguenay
  • John Kricfalusi, the writer of The Ren & Stimpy Show, was born in Chicoutimi
  • Even though it’s just a borough, Chicoutimi has its own branch of the University of Quebec
  • In the early 1900s, prior to the Great Depression, Chicoutimi had the most pulp mill production in the entire country

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