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GRANBY QUEBEC: Currency Exchange

Whenever you are planning to make a large international purchase, buying the right foreign currency in advance can help to save you loads of money. At the same time, it will also clarify how much money you’re going to be spending so you don’t overspend. You can go to your bank for your currency exchange in Granby, but it’s not the place to go for the most ideal foreign exchange rates in town. The conventional banking system adds a large markup to the mid-market rate that you may see on the news to profit on the exchanges. If you do indeed want the best currency exchange rates on USD or any other foreign currency in Granby, then you’ll want to come to Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange.

Opportunities for Currency Exchange in the Town of Granby

There are several places you can go for currency exchange in Granby, with each of them belonging to a different category; these categories consisting of major Canadian banks, independent exchange brokers and currency exchange franchises. When considering all the different options within three distinct categories, you’ll develop a list of positive and negative attributes attached to each provider. Banks are convenient, secure and easy to exchange with, but you won’t get an exchange rate that is fair or favourable. Then there are the independent exchange brokers, where you’ll find a lower degree of transaction security, but the exchange rates you can get are generally much improved. If you want the best currency exchange rates in Granby coupled with a very safe transaction process, look towards converting your currency with Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange. We’re happy to provide our customers with the best USD exchange rates in Granby and the best foreign money exchange rates in Granby.


Montreal International Airport Exchange near Granby

If you have an overseas flight coming up and you need to go to the airport, then you’ll like be heading to Montreal Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport for your non-domestic travels. During the build up to your flight time, you may have considered the idea of performing your currency exchange in Granby at the airport. While this may be convenient, since you’re going to the airport anyways, you’ll be very disappointed if you’re hoping to get competitive exchange rates near Granby at the airport. The reasoning behind this is that airports add huge markups to their rates to compensate for their large overhead; a direct result of the crazy high rent airports charge. So with that said, you’ll have to look at competitively-priced exchange brokers like Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange if you’re interested in the best currency exchange rates in Granby.


Public Currency Conversion Kiosks in Granby

If you’re a resident or visitor of Granby, then you might encounter some conveniently placed kiosks available for currency exchange in Granby. The benefit to these kiosks comes in their location, as you’ll come across them effortlessly in shopping malls, around tourist centers, and in hotels. As a general rule, they are conveniently located where a lot of people will be walking around. The important thing to consider here is that you won’t get the best currency exchange rates in Granby at one of these kiosks, as they still have to pay off the massive business expenses from being a physical storefront. Even small exchange kiosks need to pay high fees to lease space in order to operate. As you hunt for the best exchange rates, then you may start to look at independent exchange brokers. If you do, then you’ll want to research each company to ensure they’re safe and secure to use. For example, you can check if they require I.D. because if they don’t that’s a broken government regulation. If this ever happens, you’ll want to pass on them even if they offer the best USD exchange rates in Granby or the best foreign money exchange rates in Granby.


Currency Exchange at Granby Banks and Credit Unions

It’s common knowledge that most of the market for currency exchange in Granby belongs to the major Canadian banks and credit unions. This knowledge plays in to their benefit when it comes to the markups they are able to sneakily add to their exchange rates. Banks and credit unions know that maintaining the status quo is an easy decision as it continues to benefit them, keeping them from the need to provide the best USD exchange rates in Granby or the best foreign money exchange rates in Granby. It’s because of this that KBFX continues to give Canadians a much better option for currency conversions. KnightsbridgeFX is a provider customers can seek to get a safe, easy and fast exchange process paired with the best currency exchange rates in Granby.


Currency Exchange Brokers and Franchises near Granby

Exchange brokers and franchises also know that banks basically have the money conversion market cornered when it comes to currency exchange in Granby, and this forces them to provide additional deals and promotions to entice more customers. Examples of these special deals include delayed payment plans, paying in installments, and bulk discounts for large exchanges. KBFX focuses simply on providing the best currency exchange rates in Granby – the best deal is the one that leads to the most savings potential. Our ability to deliver that comes from our low company overhead, which is low because we’re an online-based business that doesn’t incur any costs of physical storefronts. As a result, we can pass the savings to you in the form of the best currency exchange rates in Granby.


How to Get Competitively Priced Foreign Exchange in Granby

Luckily for you, it’s simple to get the best currency exchange rates in Granby, because all you have to do is join the group of happy clients who choose KBFX for their currency exchange in Granby. Our customers save an average of about 1-2% per exchange, which translates to $2,000 in savings automatically for every $100,000 exchanged. And if you’re still finding yourself a bit skeptical, an easy solution is to call your bank a rate on any currency and call us right after for a quote on the same one. You’ll see for yourself that we indeed have the best USD exchange rates in Granby and the best foreign money exchange rates in Granby.

About Granby

Granby, Quebec, is a town located near Montreal has a population of around 66,000 residents and was officially constituted on January 1, 2007 with the surrounding township. However, the town of Granby was first granted permission for colonization in 1792 and was conceded to Colonel Henry Caldwell in 1803. The area received its name from Lieutenant-General John Manners, a British soldier with the title Marquess of Granby. As of today, Granby is ranked in the top 5 largest Quebec cities by population in the Monteregie region of the province. Apart from its most notable industries in dairy and lumber, the town’s economy also relies heavily on tourism.

As we know the value of having a consistent and reliable place to go for your currency exchange, we work diligently to ensure that you can always expect the best currency exchange rates at KBFX. That’s why we welcome all parties to call our service team at 1-877-355-5239 to get a free, no-obligation quote and a full explanation of our exchange process. Or, you can apply online in just a few minutes!

To find other cities serviced by Knightsbridge please visit the Currency Exchange in Canada page.



  • Granby hosts an annual classic car show with over 2500 fancy automobiles on display
  • The Autodome Granby is one of the largest dirt oval racing tracks in the entire country
  • Canadian pop singer Rosie Valland is from Granby
  • Granby’s largest tourist attraction is the Granby Zoo
  • Lake Boivin in the Granby area is very popular with bicyclists and hikers

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