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KIRKLAND: Currency Exchange (1-877-355-5239)

When you’re tasked with making sizeable international purchases, a key consideration you should make to get the best value is the total price of currency conversion. For starters, you’ll want to first identify the best currency exchange service provider in Kirkland before you sign any papers. Doing so will allow you to know exactly how much you’re spending up front, but it will also give you an opportunity to save money on currency exchange – which is crucial on large sized transactions. A marginally improved exchange rate can put hundreds of dollars back in your pocket if you’re exchanging a ton of money at once.

If you would rather not compare exchange rates around Kirkland, you can simply go to the bank; but then you won’t get the most competitive foreign exchange. Putting an order in with an independent foreign exchange company is worth a little bit of extra work to save money. To get the absolute best money exchange rates in Kirkland, you’ll want to go with a reliable and time-tested provider like Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange.

Where to Encounter Affordable, Reliable Currency Exchange in Kirkland

During your search for the best foreign exchange deals online, you’ll come to find several different providers of currency exchange found in the Kirkland area. Ultimately, there are three categories for you to sort them into: currency exchange franchises, major Canadian banks, or independent exchange brokers. Each individual option around town falls into one of these sections, regardless of what the establishment is called. The best way to determine which company to side with is by exploring their pros and cons and discovering which one fits your needs the best. Some individuals need really quick transfers and don’t mind paying extra, while others would rather wait 1 to 2 days to get very cheap currency conversion.

Banks and other major financial institutions come with the pros of their easy, fast and secure exchanges, while cons include the large markup they add to the rates. Independent exchange brokers involve slightly more paperwork to use but are likely to get you a much better exchange rate, possibly even the best currency exchange rates near the Kirkland area. One exchange provider, Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange, can give you an easy, secure and fast exchange process while providing you with the most favourable exchange rates in Quebec.


Pierre Elliot Trudeau International Airport Exchange

If you have a trip coming up soon, your initial thought may be to leave your currency exchange in Kirkland until you get to the airport. The nearest major airport to Kirkland being Montreal Pierre Elliot Trudeau International Airport, and it does offer plenty of foreign exchange booth opportunities. If that’s the decision you make, then you should know that you’ll be subscribing to some of the worst exchange rates in the city. You may notice everything at the airport is more expensive than at normal retail, and that’s because businesses pay huge fees to lease space in an airport. As a result of these costs, retailers have to add incredibly large markups to their prices, and foreign exchange services are no exception. In the case of airport foreign exchange booths, the price markup is embedded in the exchange rate. Airports, as a general rule, are unable to get you the best currency conversion rates near Kirkland.


Currency Exchange Kiosks Found Around Kirkland

Just simply by travelling around the town, you might notice a public kiosk that is available to use for swift currency exchange in Kirkland. These kiosks are designed strictly with convenience in mind, seeing as you’ll typically find them inside shopping malls, near tourist attractions, and at hotels. If you’re thinking about using one of these kiosks, then you may want to consider the fact that you’re unlikely to find any competitive exchange rates here either. Although their rates likely beat those found at an airport terminal, they’re still nothing to write home about. Despite their lesser size, they still have a variety of expenses that come with paying to own a physical storefront, and as such it impacts the extra markup they have to put on their exchange rates. In the end this is what may lead you to look towards independent brokers, ideally making them your primary choice for currency exchange.

If you do end up siding with an independent FX brokerage, be sure to do some research to make sure they meet your needs and aren’t running a shady operation. The easiest component of a foreign exchange business to check is if they require any personal ID. It’s not a commonly known fact, but financial service companies need to operate with your security of information in mind. If a foreign exchange company doesn’t ask to verify your identity or show proof, then any banking information you give them is at your own risk. Companies like KnightsbridgeFX take extra precautions in making sure their process is legit. KBFX is regulated by more than one governing financial board which ensures quality and safe transactions.


Going to a Bank Branch in Kirkland for Money Exchange

As major banks understand that they have the largest consumer base for currency exchange in Kirkland, they know they don’t have to compete on price. Oftentimes instead of providing great deals on currency exchange, they keep their markups the same as they are – or even raise them slightly higher. Because banks are simply under no obligation to lower their currency exchange prices in Kirkland, they maintain business even with unfavourable rates. Luckily, for better informed currency conversion customers there is a much better alternative. At KBFX we aim to provide an alternative currency exchange platform that offers the security, speed, and ease of the bank’s process, along with Kirkland’s most affordable currency exchange rates.


Online Digital Foreign Exchange

In an attempt to gain more of Kirkland’s currency conversion market share, exchange brokers will try out different promotions and deals to entice customers to stray from the traditional route of bank exchange. Examples of those deals include installment plans, delayed payments and considerable discounts when buying in bulk. These are certainly a nice touch, but at KBFX we believe first and foremost in the value of consistency and most importantly price. Due to our online-only business model, we maintain a high savings margin which physical retail stores don’t. In turn, this allows us to pass our savings along to the customers in the form of low money exchange rates in Kirkland.


How to Locate the Best Currency Exchange Rates near Kirkland

Although the information may be overwhelming at first, it’s actually easy to get the best currency exchange rates in Kirkland. All you have to do is select KBFX for your currency exchange in Kirkland and you’ll enjoy a savings of 1-2% on average per exchange. That saves you a guaranteed $2,000 for every $100,000 you exchange! If you need a little more convincing, then call your bank for a quote on a currency of your choice and compare it to our quotes. Comparing them side by side will show that KBFX is where you’ll find Kirkland’s most competitive exchange rates.


What it’s like to live in Kirkland, Quebec

Constituted on January 1, 2006, Kirkland, Quebec is officially considered a suburb of Montreal that is located on Montreal Island. It was named after Charles-Aime Kirkland, a Quebec politician, and was first incorporated in 1961. Similar to the many other Montreal suburbs, it was merged in 2002 before the 2004 referendum allowed them to officially separate again in 2006. The Kirkland area is considered to be mostly residential but it does have a retail and commercial centre. Due to this fact, Kirkland has a reputation for being one of Montreal’s family suburbs, since many of the living spaces are occupied by single-family homes.

At KBFX, we know how important it is for our customers to consistently receive the best exchange rates. We take that responsibility seriously, and moving forward we strive to maintain consistency. That’s why we extend the invitation to you to give us a call at 1-877-355-5239. Our service team will walk you through our process while giving you a completely free quote on our services. If you’d prefer our online application method, it is also available and only takes a few minutes to complete.

To find other cities serviced by Knightsbridge please visit the Currency Exchange in Canada page.




  • Over half the population of Kirkland aged over 15 are either married or living with a relationship partner
  • Kirkland has its own annual festival for the locals called “Kirkland Day”
  • Targray, the large material distribution company in Canada is headquartered in Kirkland
  • Hockey player Randy McKay was raised in Kirkland
  • Although Kirkland is considered to be part of the Montreal region, roughly 40% of Kirkland’s residents identified English as their mother tongue in 2011


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