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Terry Ritchie,

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LEAMINGTON: Currency Exchange (1-877-355-5239)

If you’re planning a weekend getaway to Disneyland, Disney World, or any other major tourist attraction around the world, then you’ll want to get some cash to make sure you and the family can enjoy it to the fullest. The easiest option is to go to the bank for your currency exchange in Leamington, but there are enhanced options available to you; especially if you want the best USD exchange rates in Leamington (or the best foreign money exchange rates in Leamington). The most favourable currency conversion opportunities in Leamington are carried out by Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange. At KnightsbridgeFX, you get a quick, simple, and cost-efficient money transfer to exchange your currency, all at a very competitive price. KnightsbridgeFX takes great pride in being able to offer some of the most competitively-priced exchange rates in the area.

Typical Places to Conduct Currency Exchange in Leamington

There are so many paths you could walk down when it comes to currency exchange in Leamington, and all of them generally fit into one of three different categories. These groups consist of major financial institutions, independent third party brokers, and common retail exchange franchises. As each one of the groups may vary in results, you’ll find each option has their own particular set of pros and cons they come with. Banks offer the utmost comfort, security and ease of the process, but severely lack in the pricing department. Banks typically have some of the worst foreign exchange rates imaginable, and the branches located near Leamington are no different. Independent brokers aren’t quite as regulated or simple to use as the bank, but they usually feature much better exchange rates. There is one option out there that effectively provides the good things of either platform, along with the best currency exchange rates in Leamington, and that’s Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange. KBFX offers a swift exchange on our electronic money transfer system all at an optimal price.


Airport Exchange Near Leamington: London International Airport

From Leamington, the nearest airport in Canada is London International Airport and that may be where you want to exchange your currency for convenience. While that would guarantee a worry-free exchange, it will certainly come at a premium. As a foreign exchange rule of thumb, airport booths feature some of the worst exchange rates available. Airports are notorious for charging retailers outrageous costs to lease physical space, and that jacks up their overhead much more than what they would pay roadside. For instance, have you ever compared the prices at a shopping mall to the same store at an airport? The exact same product at the airport would more than likely cost more. To make up for their heavy debts, airport FX booths need to add an incredibly large markup to their rates which is why you won’t get the best currency exchange rates near Leamington there. Most customers who exchange at the airport have decided that convenience is the most important consideration. For those of us who like to save money, there are so many better alternatives if you’re willing to sacrifice some convenience.


Public Money Exchange Kiosks around Leamington

When you’re walking about, you may spot a public kiosk that you can enter for rapid currency exchange in Leamington. Designed with on-the-go convenience in mind, these kiosks are generally located in highly populated areas like shopping malls, tourist centers, and hotels. The important thing to remember is because they are physical storefronts; they still have some of the costs associated with maintaining property. Some notable costs that come to mind include rent and any maintenance fees on the building. This inevitably raises their overhead to a point where they need to add a large markup on their rates just to break even. Therefore, these public money exchange kiosks are still unlikely to have the best money exchange deals in Leamington. With that being said, if you need a small amount of international currency they’re still considered a reliable source by many. A more preferable exchange rate won’t save you that much money on small sized transactions; the saving benefits only truly come into fruition on large international conversions.

Leamington Bank and Credit Union Foreign Exchange

Most people looking to exchange their currency will use the nearest bank or credit union over a foreign exchange provider in Leamington that they are not familiar with. However, this doesn’t equate to the bank having the cheapest rates, and when you consider the added service charges and flat fees that come with bank currency exchange you’ll be paying unnecessary prices. The truth is that banks know they will get a lot of customers regardless of their pricing, since many foreign exchange users select them by default. The result of this is that major financial institutions can keep their rates increased by a markup over the mid market rate of 2% to 3%. Banks and credit unions feel comfortable knowing they don’t have to compete to offer the best currency exchange rates in Leamington whilst acquiring the majority of the area’s currency exchange market share.


Electronic Money Exchange Brokers Operating in Leamington

Exchange brokers know they can’t just rely on their affordable pricing model to carve out a larger portion of the currency exchange market. The reality is, individuals seeking currency exchange will likely default to the bank simply because they are unaware of better alternatives. Smaller independent companies that offer currency conversion in Leamington face a constant struggle to get their name out. Oftentimes, the best foreign money exchange prices are found at companies that specialize entirely in the one service. At Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange, we’ve designed the style of the business to leverage a cost-efficient online only model. In turn, this allows us to avoid the traditional business-dragging expenses that come with having physical branches. Because we operate on with relatively lower overhead costs than the competition, we are able to pass our savings on to you in the form of Leamington’s best currency exchange rates.


Where Can I Find the Best Foreign Exchange Service in Leamington?

Customers of KnightsbridgeFX are enjoying the benefits of having the most optimal foreign money exchange rates in Leamington. Most of our customers, regardless of where they are located in Canada, average savings of 1-2% per exchange compared to the leading providers. If you’re still a bit skeptical that’s completely understandable. We suggest you give us a call for a free exchange rate on any currency, and then call your usual provider for their pricing. We’re certain you’ll see that we offer highly competitive deals. The best part is, even if we don’t price out the competition from the start, just come back to us because we have a rate-match guarantee!

A Quick Glimpse of Leamington, Ontario

Leamington, Ontario, the second-largest municipality in Windsor-Essex County, has a population of about 27,000 and was initially incorporated in 1876 as an independent location. Leamington is best known for its large tomato processing factory and was named one of the best places to live in Canada by MoneySense in 2006. MoneySense rated Leamington based on the area’s low unemployment rate and consistent tolerable weather. Since Leamington is on the southern most point of the province of Ontario, the locals refer to it as the “Canadian Sun Parlour.”

We are on the same page – anyone who has to exchange currency regularly wants to find a provider with the best exchange rates. Fortunately, you’ll get just that at Knightsbridge FX, and we would like to show you just how easy it is. You’ll get a free, no-obligation quote followed by a step by step walkthrough on our exchange process. If you would prefer to book currency exchange online instead, our website application form only takes a few minutes to complete and get started.

To find other cities serviced by Knightsbridge please visit the Currency Exchange in Canada page.




  • Up until 2014, Leamington’s major tomato processing plant was owned by the H.J. Heinz company
  • Leamington is the most populated location on the northern side of Lake Erie
  • Leamington is a meeting place for birdwatchers who get together at the annual Festival of Birds
  • The annual “Hogs for Hospice” event is a motorcycle rally that earns charitable donations for the Leamington Hospice
  • NHL player Darren McCarty was raised in Leamington

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