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Interbank Rate: 1 USD = 1 USD


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We are the most trusted name in foreign currency exchange...

in Canada with over 70 media news interviews including 20 video interviews all by Canadian news outlets

Trusted and Reviewed

“I saved a huge amount…about $3,000 over the bank quoted for U.S. dollars…everything went as smooth as a dream”

David Newman,

Florida Property Buyer interviewed by the Toronto Star

“You can save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars”

Terry Ritchie,

Calgary-based financial planner who specializes in cross-border financial issues.

“KnightsbridgeFX is an online currency exchange company that seeks to undercut foreign exchange rates offered by larger financial institutions”

Preet Banerjee,

columnist, for the Globe and Mail

“KnightsbridgeFX is “the costco’s of foreign exchange”

Financial Advisor quoted in the Globe and Mail

See KnightsbridgeFX in the Media

It's really, really simple to use

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Book a transaction

Confirm an exchange rate and receive a trade confirmation receipt confirming all details before you transfer funds.

Transfer Funds

Send funds by online bill payment or bank transfer and converted funds will be sent to your destination same day or next day.

Best USD Exchange Rates in Longueuil

If you want to get the most consistent currency exchange in Longueuil, then you’ll find it at Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange; where you’ll receive the best USD exchange rates in Longueuil and our high-quality service. We offer rates that we guarantee are lower than the banks along with the 100% satisfaction we’re so proud our services provide. When you start exchanging with us at Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange, you can expect the best exchange rate in Longueuil, fast and timely delivery of your money and top-tier service that we adapt to your particular needs.

Best Currency Exchange in Longueil

When you exchange over $5,000, you’ll notice that Longueuil currency exchange rates will greatly vary from bank to bank and between the various financial institutions. Doing some online research is enough to see all the different exchange rates, and how they vary, making it easy to find the best place to save money. You’ll want to start by calling your bank to get the best rate they’ll offer on a currency you’re interested in. Then, give us a call at Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange so we can give you our best rate on that currency. You can then see the differences in our rates and calculate the savings you’ll be able to enjoy when you choose Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange for our rates, such as the best USD exchange rates in Longueuil.


Best Exchange Rates in Longueuil

A fantastic idea you can always take is to watch the Longueuil currency exchange rates for a few days before confirming the actual exchange. You can see if there are any fluctuations and watch for trends. However, through Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange you can lock in an exchange rate you want, so we’ll hold the processing of the transaction until the exact time that rate becomes available.

The exchange rate that you’d get from any bank in Longueuil will include a large markup and won’t be ideal if you’re looking to save money. That’s where we at Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange come in, watching and monitoring the rates that banks and financial institutions are offering daily, making it possible for us to always make sure our rates our cheaper. Thus, we can proudly provide our customers with cheap rates, including the best USD exchange rates in Longueuil.

If you’d like to get the best currency exchange in Longueuil, you’ll start by setting up an account with us online and making sure you have a US dollar bank account and a Canadian dollar bank account. Once that’s done you can book a transaction, locking in your exchange rate and receiving a confirmation of all the exchange terms. You won’t have any obligation and can go forward whenever you’re ready. Just send us the funds through a wire transfer or online bill payment, and we’ll send the money back once it’s processed to your account or to a designated location in the US or Canada. Once you’ve initiated the transfer, you can expect the funds back within six business days, though it typically arrives within three business days.

Getting the best USD exchange rates in Longueuil is always a breeze with Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange!


To find other cities serviced by Knightsbridge please visit the Currency Exchange in Canada page.

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