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PORT MOODY: Currency Exchange (1-877-355-5239)

If you’ve decided that it’s finally time to buy a vacation home down in the States, you’ll want to begin searching for the best USD exchange rates in Port Moody. Making a large international purchase in a foreign currency comes with a lot of careful planning; most notably there is the consideration on how to save money. Getting a truly favourable exchange rate on your conversion from Canadian dollars can lead to hundreds if not thousands of dollars in savings. Most residents of Port Moody don’t realize that there are a variety of FX options besides the bank to choose from, including Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange. Our goal is to give the best currency exchange rates in Port Moody to everyone who needs them. It’s time that individuals stop overpaying for foreign exchange by booking unfavourable exchange rates. We hope to be the number one option for currency exchange in Port Moody.

Sections of Port Moody that Offer Currency Exchange

There is a plethora of different opportunities if you’re looking to find the best currency exchange rates in Port Moody. Independent brokers, exchange franchises, and banks are all designed currency exchange specialists in Port Moody, but not all providers are created equal. Each provider category features their own internal advantages and disadvantages that you should look into prior to locking in a transaction. As a general rule, banks won’t have the best foreign exchange rates in Port Moody, whether it’s on EUR, USD, GBP, or any other popular denomination. The reasoning behind this is that banks know they don’t have to compete with other institutions on price. The general public will default to banks as their source of currency exchange regardless, because it is a service they are familiar with. FX brokerages that are independent from the banks may indeed offer better rates, but many of these establishments don’t feature the same degree of security. The easiest way to exchange your currency, with a platform that is safe and secure like the bank, is with Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange.


Vancouver International Airport Dollar Exchange Near Port Moody

From Port Moody, your nearest foreign-travel commercial airport is Vancouver International Airport, and that may be where you’d like to convert your Canadian dollars as well. This way of thinking is very understandable, but it’s slightly outdated due to the better alternatives featured in today’s market. It’s certainly a convenient strategy as you already have to go to the airport for your flight, so why not switch to your destination country’s currency before taking off? Unfortunately there is a catch – you may be surprised to see how much you’re charged in the end. In the vast majority of situations, international and busy airports charge very large costs to retailers, meaning their rates are likely to be very high compared to others. So, if you’re after the best foreign money exchange rates around Port Moody, you’ll want to avoid the airport exchange booths. On top of their unfavourable rates, they often add hefty service charges that only serve to worsen the experience. Airports rely on customers looking for specifically for convenience, or who forgot and need last-minute exchange service, to be their patrons because they know they can’t compete on price.


Currency Exchange Services in Common Areas

If you’re strolling around in public looking for alternate options for currency exchange in Port Moody, you can often find exchange kiosks in public areas like shopping centers, high-volume tourist areas, and popular overnight stays. As these are still considered conventional brick and mortar businesses, you are unlikely to find the best USD exchange rates in Port Moody or the best foreign money exchange rates in Port Moody at one of these public kiosks. Like the banks, they too have to pay the cost to lease space and deal with costs associated with having a cash inventory and other similar fees. Furthermore, some independent brokers are unproven companies with a shady history, and may not be following all the government regulations. Even if they offer the best currency exchange rates in Port Moody, if you don’t know the company you should do some research to make sure you can trust them. One easy way to prove their legitimacy is if they ask to confirm your personal identity. If they don’t it’s the easiest way to see they’re breaking government regulations and you may want to go elsewhere.


Going to the Bank for Currency Exchange in Port Moody

When it comes to currency exchange in Port Moody, most customers tend to go with their bank as their default conversion center. It may seem that this is the best option, but it certainly doesn’t give you the best currency exchange rates in Port Moody. Banks actually mark-up their rates quite a bit, often by a margin of up to 3% over the mid market rate. This is generally because they know they’ll retain a sizable chunk of the market share regardless of their currency exchange pricing model. They don’t have to worry about trying to offer the best USD exchange rates in Port Moody, or even the best USD exchange rates in Port Moody since so many individuals are going to default to them for security. The banks rely on a great deal of customer loyalty and familiarity with the traditional banking system to receive business. In today’s more competitive climate, independent foreign exchange companies are putting in a lot of effort to inform customers of better alternatives.


Independent Currency Exchange Brokers Operating in Port Moody

In order to attract these potential customers located in Port Moody, independent brokers are always looking to inform currency exchange clients with the best deals. Some of those ways are by offering installed or delayed payments, lowering the rates based the amount exchanged, and by just trying to keep expenses low so they can offer the best currency exchange rates in Port Moody. At Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange we have lowered our business expenses by operating without physical stores and using electronic funds. This means that if you want the best foreign money exchange rates in Port Moody or the best USD exchange rates in Port Moody, we’ve got them at KnightsbridgeFX. If you’re still unsure as to whether or not we offer the most affordable exchange, there is no need to worry. We have a best rate guarantee policy that assures you’ll get the cheapest retail prices. If you can find a better retail currency exchange deal around Port Moody, we will match it for you.


How to Acquire Port Moody’s Cheapest Currency Conversion

We can confidently state that we have Port Moody’s best foreign exchange rates because we’ve seen that our customers save about 1-2% on our exchange platform versus our competition. If you’re exchanging $100,000 (whether it’s a lump sum payment or paid over a longer period) you could stand to save $2000 in one go just by transacting with us. All you have to do if you still have doubts is to call us and your bank for a currency rate, and you’ll see that Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange is the prime spot for international currency conversion in Port Moody. Call or visit us on our website today to see our amazing rates live for US dollars!

Painting a Picture of Port Moody, British Columbia

Port Moody is the smallest of the Tri-Cities and is bordered by Coquitlam on the east and south and Burnaby on the west. It is a small Metro Vancouver region city with a population of about 33,000 people. Port Moody was named after a Royal Engineer group member in British Columbia, Colonel Richard Clement Moody. Historically, the town was used as a transportation terminal for the Canadian Pacific Railway in the late 19th century. Today, Port Moody consists of a very modest economy with local services like health and education being the primary centers for employment. While there aren’t very many corporations established in Port Moody, there are some retail job opportunities available in the more commercial areas.

If you’re a frequent traveller, then you know how important a reliable currency exchange provider is. Let us show you we’re just that at Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange. Call us at 1-877-355-5239 and we’ll take you through our steps with a no-obligation quote. You can also apply online in just minutes!

To find other cities serviced by Knightsbridge please visit the Currency Exchange in Canada page.




  • Port Moody’s local council banned the usage of pesticides and teaches more natural gardening techniques
  • Port Moody today is known as a prime destination for BC artists due to the area’s low cost of living, bountiful scenery, and great natural lighting
  • The Canadian Film Festival is held annually in Port Moody
  • Rocky Point Park in Port Moody is a great place to vacation outdoors in the summer due to the area’s high sunshine chance
  • Ryan Johansen, an ice hockey centre for the Nashville Predators, played his teenage career in Port Moody

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