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“I saved a huge amount…about $3,000 over the bank quoted for U.S. dollars…everything went as smooth as a dream”

David Newman,

Florida Property Buyer interviewed by the Toronto Star

“You can save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars”

Terry Ritchie,

Calgary-based financial planner who specializes in cross-border financial issues.

“KnightsbridgeFX is an online currency exchange company that seeks to undercut foreign exchange rates offered by larger financial institutions”

Preet Banerjee,

columnist, for the Globe and Mail

“KnightsbridgeFX is “the costco’s of foreign exchange”

Financial Advisor quoted in the Globe and Mail

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SUDBURY: Currency Exchange (1-877-355-5239)

Buying property in another country can be a difficult and tricky process, partially because you have to convert a ton of local currency into foreign currency. Every single cost matters when investing in real estate abroad. As such, you’ll want to save as much money as possible on your transaction. Buying property is undoubtedly a major financial decision, so even a difference of 1% or 2% on an exchange rate can save you thousands of dollars. For that reason, instead of just going to the bank as your default option for currency exchange in Sudbury, you may want to look beyond the banks to find the best USD exchange rates in Sudbury or the cheapest currency exchange deals.

Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange is a professional money exchange provider that uses a fast and simple platform, and offers Sudbury’s most affordable currency exchange prices. KBFX provides money transfer and currency conversion services that are both convenient and budget-friendly, so you can keep more money in your wallet.

Standard Foreign Exchange Options in Sudbury

After you’ve skimmed through a few foreign exchange providers in Sudbury, you’ll find that those providers fall into one of three categories: major Canadian banks, currency exchange franchises, and independent exchange brokers. Exploring each these options in depth will help you see just how different each one is, and how their pros stack up against their cons. For the most part, banks are the easiest service to use because most people have already subscribed to other financial products with them. At the same time banks are generally pretty safe and comfortable to use since they’ve been around for decades. On the downside, you’ll find that big Canadian financial institutions, like banks and credit unions, have huge markups on their currency exchange rates. Inevitably, this means that they don’t offer the best exchange rates in Sudbury or really anywhere else in Ontario for that matter. As an alternative exchange method, you’ll find that independent brokers have better rates but sometimes they aren’t reputable companies. For that reason, it’s important to exert due diligence and research whether a currency exchange business is legitimate or not. Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange is a digital independent broker with over 100 positive testimonials on Google Reviews, and achieved a 4.7/5 star total rating. The company is also expertly regulated by multiple financial boards (FINTRAC, AMF, and Better Business Bureau) to ensure the security and privacy of customer information.


Airport Near Sudbury Currency Exchange Services

Anytime you wish to make an important financial purchase overseas, such as foreign real estate, it’s a good idea to visit it yourself in person. This means that at some point, you will inevitably book a flight to get there. If you’re a resident of Sudbury or live in Northern Ontario you’ll probably book a flight through Toronto’s Pearson International Airport. The important thing you need to consider in this situation is when you should book an exchange, or where you should transact it from. Some individuals assume that waiting to arrive at the airport is the best time to convert money. In terms of convenience that can be a decent choice, but it is definitely a bad option if your goal is to get the most affordable currency exchange near Sudbury. Airports are home to some of the highest rent for commercial and retail businesses, and that leads to airport establishments charging extra high prices to cover their debts. Unfortunately, airport exchange brokers are not exempt from this rule. In other words, you won’t find the best currency exchange deals near Sudbury at any airport in the region. If you’re truly cost-conscious and are seeking to increase your savings, there are much more preferable foreign exchange alternatives.


Exchanging Currencies at Sudbury’s Hotels and Motels

Taking a walk around town may lead to the eventual discovery of an exchange kiosk where you can take care of your currency exchange in Sudbury. The most common places you’ll find an exchange kiosk is in a very high-foot trafficked area like a shopping mall, tourist locale or hotel. While they may not have the expenses of a fully sized retail space, they do still have a fair amount of costs preventing you from getting the best FX rates. In this case, you’d still want to find an independent third party currency brokerage. It may be the destination of your quest for the best currency exchange rates in Sudbury, and if that’s the case, be sure to properly vet them before you make any final decisions. You should start by checking if they require identification for their exchanges. Since that is the easiest government-requested financial regulation to follow, if a company doesn’t verify your identity then they probably engage in shady business. In those situations, we recommend staying away.


Using the Big Canadian Banks in Sudbury for Currency Conversion

Most of the time, currency exchange in Sudbury is performed through one of the major Canadian banks or credit unions. Unfortunately, the large number of customers that walk through a banks door is what allows them to continue adding the markups to their foreign exchange rates. Put simply, banks know that their customers will keep choosing them over the competition due to their advanced security measures and trusted relationships. The good news for you is, you certainly don’t have to keep paying those rates and losing money you don’t need to spend, as you can now receive the Sudbury’s cheapest currency exchange at Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange. We strive to provide the best money exchange rates in Sudbury at KBFX to disrupt the currency conversion market and provide Canadians with a much better alternative. KnightsbridgeFX strongly believes that everyone in Sudbury should have access to favorable rate conversions.


Sudbury’s FX Brokerage Firms

Even if they can’t offer the most competitive foreign exchange deals in Sudbury, exchange brokers and franchises are always looking for different ways to bring in Greater Sudbury clients. Delayed or installed payments and bulk discounts are a few ways they try to do exactly that. Being a fully transparent business, KnightsbridgeFX does not beat around the bush when it comes to currency exchange. Instead of offering a diverse financial product lineup, KBFX focuses on getting the residents of Sudbury the great exchange rates that they’re entitled to.


How to Get the Best Currency Exchange Rates in Sudbury

Getting the best currency exchange rates in Sudbury is easy, just come to KBFX where you’ll join our current customers in saving 1-2% on your exchanges. In mathematical terms, a $100,000 currency exchange in Sudbury with us would save you $2,000 on your exchange. We know how hard you’ve worked for your money, so it’s important you get the same quality service for a lower price. Obtaining exchange rate quotes from us and afterwards checking with the banks will show you that we have Sudbury’s best currency exchange rate on USD and other popular currencies.

A Short Summary of Sudbury, Ontario

Sudbury, Ontario has the 29th largest population of any city in Canada with over 160,000 people, being named after a city of the same name in England. Given the vast total size of Canada, it’s not really a top contender for being a major municipality. However, it is regarded as the largest and most populated city in Northern Ontario. It was originally founded in 1883 before being incorporated just 10 years afterwards. An interesting fact about Sudbury is that in 2001 it was officially incorporated again as Greater Sudbury, though it is still just commonly referred to as Sudbury by the region’s local inhabitants. The Sudbury region used to be involved in significant lumber production and nickel mining, but today the area has adapted from a resource-driven economy to a modern retail, economic, and medical climate.

Having a currency exchange provider that you can count on is invaluable. This is especially true if you regularly do business with companies that pay you in USD or other international denominations. That’s why we’re proud of the work we do at Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange and we wish to be that reliable provider for you. We invite everyone to call us at 1-877-355-5239 for a free, no-obligation quote and a walkthrough of how to exchange with KBFX. Our online application is available too, and only takes a few minutes to complete!




  • The Ojibwe, members of an indigenous Algonquin group, lived in the Sudbury area as far as 9000 years ago
  • Sudbury’s devotion to ecology is astounding – the United Nations labeled Sudbury as one of twelve cities to have exceptional community-driven environmental practices in 1992
  • There are more than 300 lakes located within Greater Sudbury’s municipal boundaries
  • Almost half of Sudbury’s residential population are primarily French-speaking (Franco-Ontario)
  • Randy Carlyle, former coach of the Toronto Maple Leafs and Anaheim Ducks, was born in Sudbury


To find other cities serviced by Knightsbridge please visit the Currency Exchange in Canada page.

Best Currency Exchange Rates in Sudbury

Best USD Exchange Rates in Sudbury

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