Before the Europeans showed up, Quebec was controlled by the Algonquian, Iroquis, and Inuit tribes. In 1534, the first French settlers showed up and claimed the land for King Francis I, naming the area New France. However, they were not able to successfully settle the area. In 1608, Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec City, where he set up a fur trading post. This allowed him to trade with the Algonquin and Huron nations and eventually create a military alliance with them. In 1629, during the Anglo-French War, Quebec was briefly surrendered to English privateers. However, it was returned to France as part of the settlement to end the war.
In 1754, Quebec entered into the French and Indian War, or the Seven Years’ War. During this war, France was forced to cede its land in North America to Great Britain, changing the name of part of New France to the Province of Quebec. Not long after this war, the American Revolution was underway. In order to keep the French citizens from supporting the Americans in the War, the Quebec Act was signed. This gave the people of Quebec their very first Charter Rights. In addition, it allowed the French citizens to keep French civil law and gave them freedom of religion. Even with this compromise, the American Revolution caused issues in the area and changed the makeup of Quebec significantly. Due to an influx of British loyalists to the area, there was a lot of unrest between the people. This caused the area to be split in two, giving the British the northern half and the French the lower half. When the area joined the Canadian Confederation, the northern half became known as Ontario, while the lower half is what we know as modern day Quebec.
The geography of Quebec varies quite a bit from place to place. This is due to varying makeup of the ground, the climate, and water in the area. The province is home to the largest reserve of fresh water in the world, including half a million lakes and 4,500 rivers. The area is also home to many mountainous regions, such as the Appalachian Mountains, the Torngat Mountains, the Laurentian Mountain, and the Otish Mountain. The land of Quebec is a very diverse and beautiful area.
The climate of Quebec varies depending on which area you are located in. There are three main climate regions in the Canadian Province. Both Southern and Western Quebec, which is where the majority of the population of Quebec can be found, has a humid continental climate. Thus, it has four distinct seasons, such as warm summers and extremely cold and snowy winters. Central Quebec has a subarctic climate, so winters are very long, extremely cold, and snowy while summers are quite short but still warm. The northern part of Quebec has an arctic climate with extremely long and cold winters and extremely short, cool summers.
Quebec has the second largest economy in Canada and represents over 20% of the GDP of Canada. This economy is largely based in the services sector. The province is an important player in the aerospace, multimedia, and information technology industries. They are one of the leaders of research and development. In addition to these sectors, mining and the forest industry play a big part in Quebec’s economy.
Interesting Facts/Trivia
Quebec is most famous for its poutine and St. Catherine’s taffy, as well as many other notable foods. It is big in the beer, especially spruce beer, and cheese markets.
Quebec is known for its athletes, taking 12 of the 29 metals Canada earned in the 2018 Winter Olympics.
The province has the one of largest reserves of fresh water in the world.
It is the second most populous area in Canada, and it is the only area in Canada to have a predominantly French speaking population.
Quebec is nearly three times the size of France.
Quebec Cities and Regional Municipalities Include: